Sunday, February 21, 2010

In God's Country

Our church has raised money to sent to the people of Haiti after the devastating earthquake last month. I am glad we did this because I had begun to feel helpless, watching all the footage on the news from that country. A familiar feeling for me. There is so much poverty and need in the world; how can I help? How can I have so much and most of the world have so little? The needs of our world are overwhelming to me.

My pastor today spoke about self-reliance and how it relates to our perceived need for God. He pointed out connections God makes between money and eternal life. Several times, the extravagant wealth of Americans was brought up.

I found myself feeling guilty for the things I have. So many are unemployed, yet I have a job I love. I never worry about food, shelter, or clothing. In fact, I have so many clothes that I don't wear most of them. I have shed tears watching TV shows about young women in Africa or India working so hard while I am tired after eight hours of sitting at a desk.

But, maybe those in financial need DO have something that I miss. Their lack of reliance on self points them to their need for something else. Someone else. They are in a situation in which they must trust God.

Self-reliance is a spiritual disease, fueled by success, youth, and good health, according to my pastor. God gives us everything to enjoy, reminding us that it all comes from Him. May we all remember this, especially in these times.


  1. Christina,
    This goes along well with the idea of a financial fast and other things you've been blogging about.
